
This page focuses on news about the compiler and core libraries. For more frequent news, check out these retweets and the community forums to hear about packages, tooling, editors, blogs, projects, etc.



Elm 0.19.1 will be stable for quite some time, but you can get some idea of the ongoing compiler work here.

0.19.1Friendly syntax hints, faster buildsOct 2019
0.19Smaller assets, faster buildsAug 2018
0.18New debugger with import/exportNov
0.17Add subscriptions, remove signalsMay 2016
0.16Even better error messages!Nov
0.15.1Dramatically improved error messagesJun
0.15Tasks, better HTTP libraryApr
0.14.1HTML through mainJan 2015
0.14Package manager, parallel builds, JSONDec
0.13Debugging with elm-reactorSep
0.12.33D rendering with WebGLMay
0.12.1Fast Immutable ArraysMay
0.12Interactive UI ElementsMar
0.11Drastically improved FFI with portsJan 2014
0.10.1Package manager integrationDec
0.10Strings, Colors, OperatorsOct
0.9Fast and reliable type inferenceAug
0.8HTML/JS integrationMay
0.7.1Libraries for touch, either, and keyboardFeb
0.7Extensible recordsJan 2013
0.6Whitespace sensitivityDec
0.5Libraries for dictionaries, sets, and automataOct
0.3.6JSON supportAug
0.3.5JavaScript FFIJun
0.1Initial ReleaseApr 2012

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