Blazing Fast HTML
Virtual DOM in Elm
by Evan Czaplicki / 23 July 2014

The new elm-html library lets you use HTML and CSS directly in Elm. Want to use flexbox? Want to keep using existing style sheets? Elm now makes all of this pleasant and fast. For example, when recreating the TodoMVC app, the code is quite simple and our preliminary benchmarks show that it is extremely fast compared to other popular entries:

sample results with Firefox 30 on a Macbook Air with OSX 10.9.4

Both elm-html and Mercury are based on the virtual-dom project, which is responsible for the great performance. The first half of this post will explore what “virtual DOM” means and how purity and immutability make it extremely fast. This will explain why Om, Mercury, and Elm all get such great numbers.

Performance is a good hook, but the real benefit is that this approach leads to code that is easier to understand and maintain. In short, it becomes very simple to create reusable HTML widgets and abstract out common patterns. This is why people with larger code bases should be interested in virtual DOM approaches.

This library is also great news for people who have been thinking about using Elm. It means you can use Elm and keep using the same CSS and designer/developer workflow that you are comfortable with. It is simpler than ever to get the benefits of Elm in your project. Let’s see how it works.

Virtual DOM

This library is based on the idea of a “virtual DOM”. Rather than touching the DOM directly, we build an abstract version of it on each frame. We use the node function to create a cheap representation of what we want:

node : String -> List Attribute -> List Html -> Html

This lets us specify a tag, a list of HTML attributes, and a list of children. For HTML5 tags, there are helper functions such as (div = node "div") to make things look a lot cleaner. For example, here is how you can build a simple profile widget that shows a user’s picture and name:

profile : User -> Html
profile user =
    div [ class "profile" ]
      [ img [ src user.picture ] []
      , span [] [ text ]

Notice that we set a class so the whole thing can be styled from CSS. Paired with Elm’s module system, this makes it easy to abstract out common patterns and reuse code. You can check out the full API and documentation here and we will explore more example uses soon in the section on reusable widgets.

Making Virtual DOM Fast

Virtual DOM sounds pretty slow, right? Create a whole new scene on every frame? This technique is actually widely used in the game industry and performs shockingly well for DOM updates when you use two relatively simple techniques: diffing and laziness.

React popularized the idea of “diffing” to figure out how the DOM needs to be modified. Diffing means taking the current virtual DOM and the new virtual DOM and looking for changes. It sounds kind of fancy at first, but it is a very simple process. We first make a big list of all the differences, like if someone has changed the color of a particular <div> or added an entirely new one. After all of the differences are found, we use them as instructions for modifying the DOM in one big batch using requestAnimationFrame. This means we do the dirty work of modifying the DOM and making sure everything is fast. You can focus on writing code that is easy to understand and maintain.

This approach created a clear path to fully supporting HTML and CSS in a way that is perfect for Elm! Even better, Elm already has great facilities for purity and immutability, which are vital for optimizations that make diffing way faster.

As pioneered by React and Om, being lazy about diffing can lead to great performance improvements, especially if you have immutable data. For example, let’s say we are rendering a list of tasks:

todoList : List Task -> Html
todoList tasks =
    div [] (map todoItem tasks)

But we may know that on many updates, none of the tasks are changing. And if no task changes, the view must not be changing either. This is a perfect time to be lazy:

lazy : (a -> Html) -> a -> Html

todoWidget : State -> Html
todoWidget state =
    lazy todoList state.tasks

Instead of calling the todoList function on every frame, we check to see if state.tasks has changed since last frame. If not, we can skip everything. No need to call the function, do any diffing, or touch the DOM at all! This optimization is safe in Elm because functions are pure and data is immutable.

  • Purity means that the todoList function will always have the same output given the same input. So if we know state.tasks is the same, we can skip todoList entirely.

  • Immutability makes it cheap to figure out when things are “the same”. Immutability guarantees that if two things are referentially equal, they must be structurally equal.

So we just check to see if todoList and state.tasks are the same as last frame by comparing the old and new values by reference. This is super cheap, and if they are the same, the lazy function can often avoid a ton of work. This is a pretty simple trick that can speed things up significantly.

If you have been following Elm, you may begin to see a pattern: purity and immutability are kind of a big deal. Read about hot-swapping in Elm and the time traveling debugger to learn more about this.

Reusable Widgets

This approach makes it incredibly simple to create reusable widgets. For example, a list of user profiles can be nicely abstracted with something like this:

import Html exposing (..)

profiles : List User -> Html
profiles users =
    div [] ( profile users)

profile : User -> Html
profile user =
    div []
      [ img [ src user.picture ] []
      , text

We now have a profiles widget that takes a list of users and gives us back some HTML. It is easy to reuse anywhere, and unlike templating languages, we can use any part of Elm to help create widgets like this. We can even begin to create community libraries for common widgets or patterns.

If you want to create complex styles, those can be abstracted out and reused too! In the following example, we define a font and background that can be mixed and matched on any node.

-- small reusable CSS properties
font : List (String, String)
font =
    [ ("font-family", "futura, sans-serif")
    , ("color", "rgb(42, 42, 42)")
    , ("font-size", "2em")

background : List (String, String)
background =
    [ ("background-color", "rgb(245, 245, 245)")

-- combine them to make individual nodes
profiles : List User -> Html
profiles users =
    div [ style (font ++ background) ] ( profile users)

So creating reusable widgets and abstracting out common patterns is extremely simple now, but we can do much more than this!

Freedom of Abstraction

When I started working on the project that would become Elm, HTML was about 20 years old and people still had to read three blog posts and five Stack Overflow questions to figure out how to vertically center things. My initial goal with Elm was to rethink GUIs from scratch. What would web programming look like if we could restart?

elm-html has two very important strengths in pursuing that goal. First, it gives you access to HTML and CSS, so you can always take full advantage of the latest features. Second, it makes it possible to create new abstractions.

This means HTML and CSS become the basic building blocks for nicer abstractions. For example, it may be possible to recreate Elm’s Element abstraction using this library. But most importantly, anyone can experiment with new ways to make views more modular and pleasant. Paul Chiusano explains this aspiration very nicely in his provocative post on CSS.

My goal with Elm is still to rethink web programming, and in a weird and twisted way, fully supporting HTML and CSS is a big step in that direction. I am excited to see what we can do with elm-html!

Notes on Architecture

As with any new approach, one of the first questions people ask is “what does it look like for a large project?” The general approach is in the same ballpark as architecting large applications with Om or Facebook’s Flux. I have informally outlined how this works in Elm and plan to create more formal documentation and examples soon.

Thank you

Thank you to React and Om for discovering and popularizing these techniques. Thank you in particular to Sebastian Markbage, David Nolen, Matt Esch, and Jake Verbaten who helped me understand them.

Huge thanks to Matt Esch and Jake Verbaten who created virtual-dom and mercury, which this library is based on. They are fully responsible for the great performance!