Advanced Topics

It is not really necessary to know any of this stuff to be great with Elm. This is mostly about academic work that influenced Elm or was done for Elm itself.


Read this for an overview of how records work in Elm.

Elm's record system is based on Daan Leijen's paper Extensible records with scoped labels. We use a somewhat restricted form of this design. The type system works the same, but there is not syntax for field addition and deletion. You can read about why here.


Elm is moving towards a heavier emphasis on concurrency. You can read a bit about where we are and where we are going in the documentation of the Process module.

The following talk will give some additional perspective that guides The Elm Architecture and the move towards explicit concurrency in general:

Functional Reactive Programming

Elm has its roots in Evan Czaplicki's thesis work on FRP. The details are not important as of Elm 0.17, but it may be interesting to look into the history anyway!

The term Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) has been used in many ways. This following talk is a nice overview of the major flavors of FRP.

Elm uses a flavor of FRP described in Evan Czaplicki's thesis Concurrent FRP. It also provides a friendly overview of the academic work on FRP.

That thesis was distilled into Asynchronous FRP which was published at PLDI 2013. It is basically a harder to read version of the thesis.